Artem Kirichkov personal profile

My family and I – we live in Saint Petersburg in some quiet and green part of the city. But most of my time I spend on my workplace in the office. Currently I work in IT company and in my duties I have to communicate with many people and manage my team work. All together we are helping our customer in a huge software system support. But in the beginning of my career I was a software developer and from time to time I like to spend some time doing some programming exercises or implementing my own pet projects. Also I spend a lot of time reading articles and investigating very last inventions in IT world. Beside of that I have other passions which might occupied all my evenings or weekend time. The first one and the most fancy is “Thermal gravitational generator with ionic flow” system - it is quite tricky fantasy in physics area. I was quite young when had started to think about it. So there are still a lot of questions and work todo. Another my hobby is situated in country side where we together with my father are building our own house and where whole our family always with pleasure spends time during weekends and holidays. There is also another my new passion - astronomical telescope. I'm only a novice stargazer now and believe this hobby would completely embrace my interests in future. I like some sport activities – mostly sport games like tennis big/small, soccer. I also like to run my bicycle together with my sons. I like a music listening and also might play some simple melodies on piano or button accordion. I like traveling around the world but even more I like to stay at home and do my hobbies.